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Sachini Ellawela

Family Lawyers Parramatta - Barwick Boitano Lawyers

About Sachini ellawela


Sachini is a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and the High Court of Australia and has completed a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) with distinction at the University of Wollongong.

Sachini has a strong passion for family law and personal injury law and is dedicated to assisting her clients through hard times. With her specialty in mental health, Sachini has a deeper understanding of the psychological processes involved with such matters, and she uses this to assist her clients with a compassionate approach.

In her spare time, Sachini loves attending various dog parks and beaches with her beautiful Pomeranian cross bichon, Ziggy.  She also engages in charity work in her home country of Sri Lanka, visiting and assisting at the Orphanage for Disabled Girls every time she flies over there.